The LPNABC continues to attend weekly teleconference meetings with the Ministry of Health staff and other stakeholders around Ebola. We hear directly from the BC Ministry of Health, along with updates Nationally, and locally, including public health and community updates. We also have an opportunity to be heard at a round table discussion for questions and answers from these clinical experts. It is expected that these meetings will continue for at least the coming year as Canadian healthcare workers return from volunteering in areas dealing with Ebola.

We are just one of many professional associations present and representing their members.

These meetings include Ministry of Health, Association of Registered Nurses of BC, Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC, Midwives Association of BC, BC Nurse Practitioners Association, BC Health Sciences Association, BC Association of Chiefs of Police, BC Professional Fire Fighters Association, Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC, BC Volunteer Firefighters Association, BC Professional Association of Residents of BC,

College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, BC Nurses Union,
College of Registered Nurses of BC, BC Government & Services Employees Union,
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of BC, Hospital Employees Union,
College of Pharmacists of BC, College of Dental Surgeons of BC, Ambulance Paramedics of BC,
EMA Licensing Board/Branch, Doctors of BC, Canadian Union of Public Employees BC,
Health Professions Regulators of BC (through CRNBC representative), BC Emergency Health Services, Office of the Fire Commissioner, RCMP (E Division), Emergency Management BC, Ministry of Justice, E-COMM

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