The LPNABC is proud to be a member of the BC Coalition of Nursing Associations (BCCNA)
The BC Coalition of Nursing Associations is the first ever organization of its kind in Canada, bringing together leadership from all four BC nursing professional associations and our nurse educators, in one collaborative forum for discussion, action and advocacy.
Member organizations include:
The Association of Registered Nurses of BC
The Association of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC
The BC Nurse Practitioner Association
The Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC
The Nursing Education Council of BC
The Coalition was established as a way to engage elected nurse leaders from across the professional nursing groups in discussion around topics, policy and directions that impact the nursing profession as a whole. Each professional association has nominated three positions from their own board to sit at the Coalition table, and the NECBC has nominated two individuals from the directors of the nursing schools. This structure ensures equal representation of all four nursing groups, regardless of their numbers, to ensure fair, objective discussion that benefits all nurses can take place.
By modelling collaboration, equality and a team-based approach at the Coalition, it is our hope that the nursing community will come together with respect and support for one another.
Nursing has an important role to play in health system transformation and one of the first areas we must address is within our own profession. Breaking down the hierarchies and moving to open, honest and solutions-oriented discussion will play a significant role in helping all of nursing to find it’s voice.
Join us July 15th, 2015
At the Wosk Centre, Vancouver
Nursing community call to action:
A collaborative approach to improving BC’s health system
The BC Coalition of Nursing Associations (ARNBC, ARPNBC, BCNPA, LPNABC, NECBC), will host a policy forum on July 15th to gather and develop the ideas and recommendations of BC nurses in response to the policy papers. Space is limited so please sign up today to be a part of this exciting event. PN Students are most welcome to attend.
REGISTER NOW! Space is limited!
Coming and goings of the LPNABC team
Each day the LPNABC board members are engaged in representing the LPN profession and promoting LPNs. Along with meeting in person occasionally, and virtually, letter writing, phone calls, emails, Facebook and Twitter, we work to promote the LPNABC in our workplace. HOW have you been sharing the word about the LPNABC and your profession?
3 Nursing Colleges explore shared spaces & working together
Meeting with ARNBC Board for future collaborative opportunities for nurses
Affiliate membership with the BC Care Providers
Meeting with the Ministry of Health Staff regarding LPN Utilization
Meeting with MoH regarding Professional Associations Policy Paper Discussions
PN articulation meeting with the PN Nursing Schools of BC
Meeting with BCNU
Nursing Week events at the BC Legislature
BC Care Providers Conference
Coalition Meeting
Policy Forum
Meeting with the Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie
Partnership Alliance with Change Day BC Make your pledge today!
As you can see, the LPNABC is continually working for LPNs in BC. We are all volunteers, all working LPNs. You have a choice to support your association with your membership; $30/yr is minimal when you consider the work we do on your behalf. It is our hope you will see value in the work we do and support the association with membership.