LPNABC Member Perks

Perkopolis logo

LPNABC is proud to offer members exclusive access to various discounted products and services, including: theatre, hotels, attractions, movies, shopping, travel and much more, to all members through our new discount partner Perkopolis .

How does the program work?
Perkopolis is a benefit program that provides you with access to a variety of discounted products and services. You simply create an account, log into the website and add the product to your ‘shopping cart’. Payment is processed online and the product(s) are delivered to you either electronically or directly to your home address.

How do I sign up?

  1. Become a member of LPNABC
  2. Once you have done so please email [email protected] for the password.

Perkopolis Guy


Entertainment Tickets for every budget! Members save up to 50% OFF popular shows, attractions, sporting events, and much more! Plus, get GREAT SEATS through your Perkopolis Concierge.

Shopping Savings of up to 40% OFF your favourite brands and services with hundreds of items to choose from! Why pay full price if you don’t have to?

Hotels Save up to 50% OFF regular hotel rates at more than 100,000 hotels worldwide! We have all your favourite destinations including; New York, Orlando, Vancouver, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas & more…

Travel SAVE BIG on weekend getaways, ski resorts, car rentals, family holidays… and much more! Great deals on 3 to 7 bedroom vacation pool homes near Disney World. Condos & town homes too!

Partners include:
Perkopolis partners
…and many more!