No Paypal? No Worries


We would like to wish all of you a prosperous new year. May 2015 be filled with great advances for the LPN profession and you personally. May you find challenges and success, embracing each day for all that it holds for you.

We have received a few emails regarding issues with PayPal and their system for membership renewals. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with the PayPal site as it is independent of our site. If you are encountering problems with PayPal itself, our webmaster recommends 1) clearing your cache 2) trying another browser. We ask that you are patient as PayPal can get quite busy at this time of year. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase your membership. Complete the registration form and continue to PayPal where you will be given the option to pay via PayPal or not. See graphic at the bottom of this post 🙂

If you are having difficulties with renewing, please drop us a quick email at [email protected] . We can assist you with your user name retrieval and resetting your password – if you are unable to do this with the password reset/retrival option. Again, please be patient with us to reply as we are all volunteers, who are working and have, or try to have, a personal life. If you are still having difficulties, you can print off the registration form and send us a cheque. Once we receive your cheque,we will manually adjust your membership along with email confirmation. Please make sure your contact information is up to date with us.

Please remember that your User name can not be the same as your Nickname. This is a security feature.

We thank you for your support of the LPNABC. It is only with member support that we can continue to advocate for the profession on your behalf.


Exciting news for LPNABC members!

New membership with Canadian Nurses Association

Together in collaborative discussions LPNABC, RPNAO, Barb Mildon, Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) President, and Rachel Bard, CNA Chief Executive Officer, recognized the need to be working together to represent all nursing groups.  Further to those discussions LPNABC & RPNAO, the standing members of PN Canada, then made an application to CNA under the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties as an Emerging Group.

PN Canada was notified on November 20 th 2013 that the application was approved by the Canadian Network Board members and the approval was announced at the CNA board meeting on November 25 th .

This historic announcement marks the first time Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses have had the opportunity to be members of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA); please follow link to read more about this wonderful accomplishment:

CNA – Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties – Emerging Group (see letter of acceptance attached)

LPNABC and RPNAO members are now automatically members of CNA through their PN Canada membership and more information will be given as this new relationship with CNA further progresses.

PN Canada (formally known as Canadian Practical Nurses Association) has been the national association for both Licensed and Registered Practical Nurses across Canada since 1974 and in 2012 LPNABC & RPNAO (Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario) reorganized PN Canada.

RPNAO has over 7,700 RPNs as voluntary members of their provincial association and LPNABC has seen substantial recent growing memberships as well. Together they have worked very hard in re-establishing the national Practical Nurses Association as both organizations recognize the importance and value of a national body to represent LPNs and Registered Practical Nurses at policy development levels through a collaborative voice.

The LPNABC and RPNAO are delighted to make this collaborative announcement and would like to thank everyone involved in making this declaration possible.

Sincerely, LPNABC

Michelle Devia, LPN, President, LPNABC

Teresa McFadyen, LPN, 1 st Vice President, LPNABC

Brenda Mundy, RPN, President, RPNAO rpnao

Dianne Martin, RPN, RN, BScN, MA, Executive Director, RPNAO

LPNABC reaching out to you.

LPNABC also has been busy with sending out a mailout to over 900 LPNs and would welcome renewed memberships at our one time rate for 2012.

The LPNABC board members look forward to working with you bringing your voice to the appropriate forums on your behalf.

We anticipate this will  be a busy year with implementation of the new PN curriculum and provincial government review the of the LPN Regulations

Please register and become a member of the LPN Association and together we will build a stronger association to bring your voice to the forefront.